Health Ride
Andy Baldwin's Pennsylvania Health Ride and Kids Fitness Days 2009
Welcome to this health ride that starts with a worrying message about childhood and adulthood obesity and what needs to happen in order to curb the downward spiral that is negatively affecting the nation's health as a whole.
"The nation's epidemic of childhood obesity weighs heavy on the future of our youth - and on my heart personally. As committed citizens and neighbors, we can and must serve as important role models to our children and teach them the power of healthy habits. Step up and join my effort to help the kids of Pennsylvania get and stay healthy!"
- Navy Lt. Commander Dr. Andy Baldwin
You're invited to become part of an important event that will save children's lives as well educate parents, teachers and other adults. Navy Lt. Commander Dr. Andy Baldwin will be leading a healthy bike ride from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia along the PennDOT S Bike Route in October 2009.
The goal is to raise awareness about childhood obesity and help parents and educators gain an understanding of what they can do to battle this growing serious health concern.
There are many ways that you can play an important part in making the goals of Andy Baldwin's Health Ride a reality. Along with being one of the riders, there are many different sponsorship and volunteer opportunities available. After you learn more about healthy ways to ride along with the issue of childhood obesity, we're looking forward to having you join our team and helping the children of Pennsylvania.
Follow The Health Ride
If you had wanted to join the Health Ride but your schedule didn't permit, you can still be an important part of our event for the children of Pennsylvania. Click here to make a donation and then follow Andy and everyone else by clicking on the Tracker below. It's a live up-to-the-second feed of everything that's happening with the Health Ride.
The Reason
Childhood obesity has become a more serious health concern than ever before.
While it affects a growing number of adults despite the huge array of weight loss products and supplements such as acai, hgc, forskolin fuel, phen367 etc, the problem is of even greater concern when it affects children who are unable to take certain supplements because of their tender age. The statistics are actually quite staggering.
Almost 30% of Pennsylvania children are considered to be overweight or obese. This concern is made even greater as studies have shown that Pennsylvania children are less likely to be physically active than the national average.
While it's easy and convenient to find fault with fast food and TV commercials, the need for real and accurate education is the first step to the solution of this major health problem impacting our children. For more information, see "Childhood Overweight and Obesity Prevention Initiative."
You'll find information on this website that will educate you on this issue, the true causes, the many ways that obesity impacts a child's health along with the programs and services that offer help and guidance.
See also "Caring about Children and Weight" which focuses on diet and how changes can be made when you know which changes to make. There is also a movement to reduce or eliminate meat in the diet, which has arguments for and against and these can be followed at the SAK Meatless Day website.
Recommended Reading
Here is a selection of useful articles that help deliver the message of healthfulness in its varying aspects to the people that need to know about it. The authors present an educational and inspirational story that children and adults will learn from. Click on a title to read and learn more.